Recount/Challenge Sign-Up Form
We respect your privacy. We will not publish, sell or give away your email or phone number.
An investigation of serious irregularities in the 2024 election is necessary & we need your help. The best way to determine if there are problems is to view the actual election records. In some states this is possible by individual voters requesting a recount in their election district. In other states, we may need to present evidence of irregularities in court, and may require local plaintiffs. This form indicates you might be interested and available for this type of advocacy. We will contact and follow up with you prior to any action. We are tremendously grateful for your interest and support.

We also truly need your financial support for this effort. Donations are tax-deductible. 
Thank you for protecting your vote!
Name *
First name, Last name
Email *
Zip Code
Address - if you don't mind giving it. This helps us locate your election district.
Phone Number (000) 000-0000
Are you involved in your local community?
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What best describes your area of activism? Check all that apply.
Anything you want us to know about you or the election in your community?
How many hours / week can you help?
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Thank you so much! 
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