COVID-19 & Infectious Illness Symptom and Positive Case Reporting Form
We are working to continue to reduce transmission of COVID-19 and other infectious illnesses.  

The information you submit here is confidential. Details will only be shared with the District COVID-19 Team, District Nurses, and the Alameda County Public Health Department as needed to ensure the health and safety of our community. Your child’s information will not be released publicly or in any community notification letters.

After submitting this form, you may receive a follow-up email with further instructions. If you do not see the email in a few minutes, please check your spam/junk mail folder and/or fill out this form again. Thank you!
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How to Complete this Google Form
Use this form to report the following:

1. Your child has symptoms that could be due to COVID-19 or other infectious illness.
2. Your child has received a positive test result or diagnosis of a COVID-19 or other infectious illnesses (RSV, strep, norovirus, enterovirus, influenza A or B, etc.).
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