Camp Agawam - Leadership Survey
Thank you for taking the time to provide your input to assist in the search for Camp Agawam's next Executive Director. Your input as alumni, parents, staff, and community members in this process is invaluable.

Please find the job description here:

While we ask for your email in order to catalog who has replied, please note that all responses provided to the search committee will be aggregated or anonymized.

If you have other feedback you'd like to share directly, you can reach the search committee at
or our search consultants Peter & Christian at:
-and thank you!
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Email *
Please rank the top 3 aspects of doing the job, in order of importance, to prioritize in the search for the next Executive Director of Camp Agawam: *
Upholds Agawam traditions
Administrative capacity
Communication ability
Management experience
Recruits campers
Camper centered
Top leadership skill
Please rank the top 3 personal characteristics, in order of importance, for the next Executive Director of Camp Agawam: *
Sense of humor
Cultural competence
Top characteristic
In your opinion, what is most important for a candidate for Executive Director to know about the Camp Agawam community, and the expectations of its campers, alumni, staff, and parents?
Please choose all that apply about your own connection to the camp community:
If you are a former camper, please list the year (date) of your last enrolled camper year.
Are there recommendations you have to help prepare the organization for this transition?
Are you potentially interested in exploring this position as a candidate? Or are there any nominations (people you think we should be speaking with about this opportunity)?
If you would like someone to contact you to follow up on any of your thoughts about this search process, please share the best method for being in touch. 
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