Following Christ Basics--The Good News
This form is for growing and helping others to grow as followers of Christ. It is designed for someone who has been through it to help someone else through it. Therefore, it is important to make sure you know all the answers and keep your results, so that you can lead others through this same study. Please let us know if you have any suggestions or see any mistakes.
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What is your name and are you an ENMU student, staff, or faculty member?
We ask four things from people who want to be discipled as followers of Christ through the Christian Challenge at ENMU. We are not legalistic about these things, but we are very serious about them. They really matter. Are these clear and agreeable?
1 point
Which of these situations describes you?
1. What one word (in almost all translations) describes the essence of Christianity according to 1 Cor. 15:1?
1 point
2. Paul goes on to tell the Corinthians (15:2) that by this they are being what?
1 point
3. What else does Paul emphasize in this verse?
1 point
4. Beginning in v. 3, Paul lists several things that he passed on to the Corinthians as of first importance. What was the first thing Paul listed?
1 point
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5. What characteristics of God can be seen in Christ’s sacrificial death?
1 point
6. See Romans 2:6 and 5:8 for those characteristics. What happened after Jesus died and was buried?
1 point
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7. How many people saw him after he was raised from the dead?
1 point
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8. What is the power of God for people to be saved?
1 point
9. How do we know the answer for that last question?
1 point
10. Which people get saved in this way?
1 point
11. According to Romans 6:23, what are these people being saved from and to?
1 point
12. Did Jesus teach repentance, turning away from sin? And if so, where?
1 point
13. Do good works help us to be saved?
1 point
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14. What Bible passage makes this the clearest?
1 point
15. One way of explaining the seeming contradiction in what these verses tell us about repentance and good works is that repentance is a _____ issue that is part of trusting Christ and that both repentance and trusting Christ result in _______ _______ known as good works.
1 point
Is there any reason why you could not take someone else through this study?
What is one reason this why someone might not do this study or share it with others?
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