Night Walk @ Mandai Forest (with Glow-in-the-Dark UV light)
Date: 13 July 2024 (Saturday), 7.20 pm to 9.30 pm

Cost: $38 per person (adult/child)

Come nightfall, Mandai Forest springs to life with nocturnal wonders. Sambar Deer emerge to feed, while Lesser Mousedeer trot gingerly amongst tree roots in search of fallen fruits. Overhead, Colugos and bats feast on a variety of plant food, revealing their presence with glowing eyeshine. Different frog species and native rats call this forest home. Denizen snakes include Wagler's Pit Viper, Elegant Bronzeback, Gold-ringed Cat Snake, Red-tailed Racer, Rat Snakes and more. When rain is plentiful, bioluminescent mushrooms sprout in small clusters, emanating an ethereal green glow. Our UV torch readily picks out Long-tailed and Dwarf Wood Scorpions as they fluoresce a bright blue, alongside the gorgeous hues of reds, yellows and purples emitted by certain plants, lichens, fungi and insects. Other possible sightings include the Wild Pig, Common Palm Civet, Large-tailed Nightjar, forest fireflies, centipedes, pill millipedes, spiders and more. Join us in this night walk for a good dose of forest magic!

* We will have no more than 16 persons per guide. Our walks are held in open and uncrowded areas with plenty of fresh air. The walk will be managed in accordance with the prevailing Covid-19 Safe Management Measures. Minimum 4 persons for the guided walk to proceed.

* This activity is organised by Professional Nature Guide Gloria Seow. Gloria has headed the Education Committee in Nature Society (Singapore) since 2008 as the former Chairperson and current Vice Chairperson. Learn more at

* The night walk will be led by professional nature guides including Gloria herself.

* This activity is open for adults and children 4 years old and above. We cannot promise any sightings, but we know that the wildlife featured live in this habitat.

* You will need to wear covered shoes and long pants, and bring one good torchlight per person (hand phone torches are too dim). We will be walking about 3 km, sometimes on uneven ground, and a certain level of fitness is required.

* Wet Weather Plans
1. As this is an outdoor event, if it rains heavily that evening, we might have to cancel. We will contact you by WhatsApp one hour before the walk to let you know if the walk is cancelled or you can contact Gloria at HP: 9435-0373. As for fees paid, you can choose to do the same walk at a later date or replace it with another wildlife walk of equivalent value (we will be organising more walks throughout 2024).

2. If it is drizzling with no lightning, we will still proceed with our rain gear. Typically, the rain stops after an hour or less. We tend to see a lot more wildlife after a downpour.

3. If it rains heavily halfway through the session, we will abort for safety reasons, but fees collected will not be refunded as please understand that there are costs incurred in organising the event.

* All participants (adults/children/parents/caregivers/guardians) have to take personal responsibility for your own safety and that of your charges (the children under you). Please understand that we are not liable for any injuries suffered and we will not entertain any claims. By registering and making payment for this activity, you are deemed to have agreed with this condition.

* Once you have registered below, please make payment by PayNow (see details below) to confirm your night walk seats.

* Cancellation Policy
1. For Covid-19 cases and other illnesses or any other valid reasons, your seats are fully transferable to a new walk date or we will refund you 80% of your payment.

2. For cancellations more than 72 hours (3 Days) before the activity, your seats are fully transferable to a new walk date (dates to be advised by Gloria) or we will refund you 80% of your payment.

3. For cancellations less than 72 hours (3 Days) before the activity, there is no refund or transfer of dates as please understand that your booked seats had prevented others from signing up. However, you are entitled to a 20% discount on future activities.

* Confirmation details including where to meet and what to bring will be emailed to you 2 to 3 days before the event. If you do not receive it in your Inbox, kindly check your spam folder.

* Please contact Gloria at HP: 9435-0373 (WhatsApp/SMS) or for any enquiries. We practice MTI/STB's safe management measures in line with Covid-19 guiding requirements. See you soon!

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Name of Participant (1 form per person) *
Adult/Child *
Handphone Number *
Email *
Resident Status (requirement by STB) *
How did you learn about this walk? *
To confirm your seats, please transfer payment of $38 per person (adult/child) to Gloria Seow @94350373 via PayNow. Also, kindly WhatsApp or email Gloria your transfer documents and state the event + date. If we do not receive payment one week before the event, we will release your seats to those in the waiting list. Thank you for your understanding. *
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