Oaklandish Community Form 2024
Please note that we are experiencing an overwhelming number of donation requests and are not able to respond to each request individually. We will do our best to support you, but we cannot donate to everyone.

Please use this form to request donations, sponsorships, collabs, and more from Oaklandish. Due to the extremely high number of requests, please allow at least three weeks for a response. Please keep in mind that we cannot donate to ALL of the hundreds of requests receive each year. We kindly ask for donations and sponsorship requests to be submitted at least one month prior to the date needed. Please feel free to follow up via email to community@oaklandish.com.
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What is the name of your organization or event? *
Today's date *
What is the requested donation pickup date, event date, or date for the project to be completed? *
What is your name? *
What is the best contact email address for you or your organization? *
Please tell us a little more about you. *
Is your organization a 501c3 nonprofit? If yes, please type your Federal Tax ID below. *
Who are some of your primary community partners? *
What is your annual operating budget? *
I would like to request: *
Please give us a short description of your org/event and its mission, vision, values, impact. *
Has your organization received support from Oaklandish in the past? *
If you received donations from Oaklandish in the past, please email to community@oaklandish.com photos documenting the previous donation and any acknowledgments made via social media.
Please describe your project or event. Please be sure to give us information on the track record for this event, attendance numbers, previous sponsors, etc. *
How is your project or event consistent with the Oaklandish brand and mission? *
What percentage of the individuals you serve would be classified as poor? *
What specifically are you requesting? Please specify, for example, retail value of donation request, amount of in-kind sponsorship requested, amount of money requested for sponsorship, etc.
Does your organization have an email newsletter? If so, please list the number of subscribers. *
Does your organization have an Instagram account? If yes, please type the handle and number of followers. *
Does you organization have a Twitter account? If yes, please type the handle and number of followers. *
Does your organization have a Facebook account? If yes, please type the handle and number of followers. *
Anything else you think we should know?
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