Pep Band Sign-Up!
Register now! We need you and want you!
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First Name *
Last Name *
School I.D. # *
Current Year In School *
Please list the curricular ensembes in which you are currently enrolled. (In other words, which band, orchestra or choir class(es) are you in this year?) *
Please list your primary instrument. *
Instrument(s) I would like to & am capable of playing for Pep Band: *
How many years of experience do you have in the WVHS Pep Band? *
Your Cell Phone Number with area code: *
Parent/Guardian name *
(for emergency purposes)
Parent/Guardian cellphone number: *
(for emergency purposes)
Home Address Street Number *
Home Address City *
Home Address Zip Code *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone # *
Please acknowledge that you have received and reviewed the schedule for Pep Band, and can fully commit to being a contributing member. *
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