DanceSafe - Permission to Use Content (Request Form) 

DanceSafe Content:  License Request Form (ver.110823)

Please use this form to request permission to use DanceSafe content such as educational pamphlets, drug checking instructions, drug information cards, photos, artwork or images, etc. Permission to use DanceSafe content is subject to (i) DanceSafe's written approval and (ii) DanceSafe’s Licensed Content General Terms and Conditions. We will do our best to response within 5 business days. If you do not hear from us, please e-mail

NOTICE: DanceSafe, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit that provides educational and informational services and materials. For the avoidance of doubt, do not submit a request if your proposed use of DanceSafe content is to influence legislation (commonly known as "lobbying.")
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Email *
Contact Name *
Contact Pronouns
Contact E-Mail *
Contact Phone Number *
Organization Name *
Organization City, State, Country *
Your relationship to the Organization that is seeking use of DanceSafe content *
Link to your Organization's website *
Link(s) to your Organization's social media *
Describe the DanceSafe content you want to use (for example, drug information cards, test kit instructions,  pamphlets, any information included on the DanceSafe website, supplies, or other content) *
Describe your desired use of DanceSafe content (e.g., describe your proposed use, digital copy for use on your website, physical copies for educational use, physical copies for distribution at an event, a hyperlink to DanceSafe's website, etc.) *

Is your intended use Non-Commercial (free),  Commercial (will you generate income from using DanceSafe content) or both?  


Describe your Non-Commercial, Commercial, or Combined uses that you identified above  


Proposed Start Date for your use of DanceSafe content


Proposed End Date for your use of DanceSafe content

If you intend to use the DanceSafe content on an on-going multi-year basis, insert the date 01/01/2030.
Additional Information
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