Course Waiver or Substitution Request
Note: Course waiver/substitution requests must be completed by the student and approved by the Department Chair (reviews concentration and elective courses) and the School's Curriculum Committee (reviews core courses). You will be notified of the outcome of your request via e-mail.

Course waivers and substitutions are not affiliated with course credit. If you would like to transfer credit for a course previously taken, please complete a Transfer Credit Request. See the CUNY SPH academic policies for more information.
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Student Last Name: *
Student First Name: *
Student EMPL ID *
Student E-mail Address: *
Student Phone Number: *
Student Concentration (DPH to PhD transfer should enter their current DPH concentration) *
Enter CUNY SPH course number/title or other requirement you are requesting a waiver/substitution for.

If you are requesting a waiver for PUBH 601, you must have completed a CEPH-accredited bachelor's or master's degree program (List of CEPH-accredited Schools and Programs)
If requesting a substitution, enter substitute course number/title or other requirement:
Below, briefly explain justification for course waiver or substitution: *
Please upload a syllabus or other evidence for the course substitute via the link below. If you wish to have this credit transfer, you will need to complete a transfer credit request form.
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