KAASM Membership Application
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KAASM Annual Membership Fees

Students: $20
Faculty: $100
Industry: $200

Annual membership dues cover the calendar year from January 1 to December 31, and is not prorated. KAASM is now a 501(c)3 nonprofit entity and membership dues are tax deductible. Please send all inquiries about proof of donation to Professor Wonseok Jang (eric.jang@ttu.edu).
KAASM Endowment Opportunities
To ensure the superlative support to our members in the future, the funding members of KAASM has developed a number of endowment and naming opportunities. The earned income from these endowments will help to fund the KAASM's programs, events, communications, and initiatives in support of its mission. For any inquiries about giving opportunities, new initiatives, or other ways to support the organization, please contact Dae Hee Kwak, Director of Communication, at 734-615-2884 or kwakd@umich.edu

Please choose one of the following membership categories. *
Your Name *
Name of the current institution or organization *
Position (e.g., student, assistant professor, or full professor) *
Email *
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