Meditaatiopäivä | Meditation Day
These information will only be used for the event's preparation purpose. It will not be stored after the event

NOTE: The registration has been ended on 23:59 August 8th and we have reached the maximum capacity of our place. However, you can still register for the waiting list. We'll let you know if there are still a seat for you.
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Etunimi | firstname *
Sukunimi | lastname *
Sukupuoli | gender *
Sähköposti | email *
Puhelinnumero | phone number *
Yövytkö luostarilla?
Do you need to stay overnight? People who come from far cities can stay at Lien Tam Monastery.
Mitä ruoka-aineallergioita Sinulla on? | do you have any special diet?
Onko muuta huomioitavaa? Is there anything else do you want to say?
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