Graduate Student Helpline

If you are facing an issue with your advisor, within your department, college, or any aspect of your life at UMN, we want to hear about it, support you, and and advocate for you. Your information will be kept confidential unless an explicit approval is given by you, your response will only be shared with the current COGS leadership team.

Unpaid TA work, broken promises, mental health concerns, research advisor pressure, policy concerns, policy breach? Fill this form to help us deal with administration and bureaucracy for you.

Always in your corner,
Council of Graduate Students

Disclaimer: COGS team is required to report prohibited conduct to the campus title IX office.
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Please describe the issue in as much detail as you feel comfortable.
Would you like to be contacted for following-up on this issue?
If yes, please provide your email address. (Note: This does not share your details with anyone in the administration)
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