Incident, Injury and Damage Reporting Form
Please complete this form to report any injury, incident or accident between members, members of the community, the Larkspur ferry, and/or creek obstacles (pilings, docks, shoreline, etc). These are incidents that might take place on the water or on the MRA grounds. 
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Email *
Date of incident *
Time of incident *
Name of Staff or Member making the report *
What are the member names of those involved in the incident? *
 Where there any third parties involved? If so, who (i.e. ferry, private boaters) *
 What were the weather and water conditions? *
What was the tide and tidal direction? *
What equipment was involved? Please name the boats. *
List damage to all equipment: *
Please give a full and detailed description of the incident, including why you believe it happened. Please include information regarding traffic pattern, right-of way, ferry protocol violations, etc: *
List any and all injuries to individuals and any treatments administered. *
In which section did the water incident take place?  SEE DIAGRAM BELOW. *
Corte Madera Creek Incident Mapping by Letter
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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