PRE-SCREENING: Return to Sender: Cutting Chord Ceremony
These questions will help us ensure that the workshop aligns with your goals and intentions, creating a meaningful experience for you and all participants.
Name *
Email *
1. Why do you need to participate in this workshop? *Please share your motivation and what you hope to achieve through this experience. *
2. What or who do you feel the need to release from your life or energy at this point in your life? (sharing names not necessary) * Identify any specific situations, relationships, or energetic ties you're looking to let go of and are ready to let go of. *
3. What or who do you believe you need to cut the cords to? * Tell us about the attachments or connections you wish to sever during the workshop. (i.e. this could be people or beliefs that aren't affirming) *
4. What are you ready to attract into your life after this ceremony? *Share your intentions for the positive changes you are ready to manifest. *
5. What are you prepared to send back into the universe as part of the "Return to Sender" ritual? *Please express your readiness to let go of and release any negativity or unwanted influences. *
6. How do you know Alicia, and why do you believe she is the right guide for you on this journey? *Provide insight into your connection with Alicia and why you trust her guidance in the transformative process. *
Anything else you want Alicia to know:
Write additional comment here.
If you are selected you will receive the invite link to register! Luz y progreso!
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