One Day Training: Prioritising Oracy in the Classroom PRIMARY- September 2024

Despite the fact that Spoken Language forms one third of the English curriculum, its teaching in schools has often been neglected. Too often, Oracy is seen as an activity to support other subjects. Whilst Oracy is important for facilitating learning across the whole curriculum, we must also think carefully about how to teach Oracy itself.

> Think about whether Oracy is celebrated in your environment.

> Are children’s verbal comments collected and displayed?

> How often do you read aloud to your class and tell stories?

> How many chances do children get to perform poetry and plays?

> Do you display unusual objects and encourage children to talk about them?

> Could you have a ‘box of wonder’ in your class to provoke discussion?

> Could you develop a ‘talking corner’ or invite guests in to talk with, rather than just to, your class?

Who:  This event is open to all practitioners from Primary education

When: 19th September 2024, 8.30am-3.30pm

Facilitators: Amy Ford & Anna West

Venue: Spencer Conference Centre (formally Portland Conference Centre),

Westwick Road, Nottingham, NG8 4HB

Cost:  £110

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