2024 CSE Alumni Summer Picnics
Locations of CSE Alumni Summer Picnic Events! 
    10:00am - 1:00pm 
    Gasworks Park 
    2101 N Northlake Way
    Seattle, WA 98103

  • BAY AREA - SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 2024
    12:00pm - 3:00pm 
    Saratoga Springs
    22801 Big Basin Wy
    Saratoga, CA 95070

    11:00am - 2:00pm
    UCSD, Engineering Bear Courtyard 
    9500 Gilman Drive
    La Jolla, CA   92093 
Dear CSE Alums, 

You are invited to join in on the summer fun at the 2024 CSE Alumni Summer picnics!  You are welcome to register and attend more than one CSE Alumni picnic event and bring a plus 1 and/or your family.  Kids are welcome! Come reconnect with your fellow CSE alums and the CSE department!  Learn about opportunities for you to get involved and reconnected with the CSE department!  We look forward in seeing you this summer! 

All the best, 
UCSD Computer Science & Engineering 

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Email *
You are invited to attend any of the CSE Alumni Picnics. Please mark the location(s) you plan to attend. Attendance at all locations is welcomed.  
First Name *
Last Name *
Year of Graduation *
Degree or Association *
Your current role/position *
CSE Alumni activities you would be interested in participating in.  Please check all that apply. 
If we brought you in to speak to CSE students or a CSE alumni for a presentation or panel, what unique experiences or technical topic would you want talk about?
Will you be bringing a plus one or your family? *
Number of guests (not including yourself) *
Please provide the name of your plus 1 and/or family members.  For CSE Alums bringing kids, please list names and ages of kids. 
Any comments or questions, please note here. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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