Virtual Co-Working Club Membership
Hi! I'm Dr Libby Roesner, I am a Lifetime Member of The Rural Woman and Co-Founder of The Virtual Cooee (a marketplace for Australian rural and regional women to find VAs and/or offer their business services online as Virtual Assistants). I'm so pleased you are interested in the idea of co-working with other motivated women! Please fill-in the questions below to join our Virtual Co-Working Club. Membership is FREE!
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Your First Name: *
Your Surname Name: *
What would you like to be called in this group? (Nickname?) *
Do you identify as a Rural or Regional business woman? *
Your Business Name/s: *
Business Description: *
Industry: *
Your email address: *
Website (if applicable):
LinkedIn Profile (if applicable):
What are your goals for joining the Virtual Co-Working Club? *
How did you hear about us? *
Is "Friday Morning Focus" (8:50 am to 11:20 am - Sydney time) generally convenient for you?
Can you suggest co-working days and/or times that would be convenient for you:
Do you have any questions or comments?
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