Incoming Officer Information 2019-2020
Hello club officers of the Pacific Northwest! In order to communicate and support clubs within the district, the district board would like the most up-to-date information on the incoming club officers to ensure a smooth transition. This form can be submitted as many times as needed especially if there are changes to your roster. We appreciate you taking the time to fill this form out BEFORE District Convention on February 8-10, 2019.

For more information please contact District Governor Esmeralda Hernandez at Thank you!
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Name, Email Address, and Phone Number of President
Name, Email Address, and Phone Number of Vice President(s) and a brief description of their role.
Name, Email Address, and Phone Number of Secretary
Name, Email Address, and Phone Number of Treasurer
Name, Email Address, and Phone Number of Secretary-Treasurer
Name, Email Address, and Phone Number of Bulletin Editor
Name, Email Address, and Phone Number of Faculty Advisor
Name, Email Address, and Phone Number of Kiwanis Advisor
Name, Email Address, and Phone Number of Additional Positions and a brief description of their role.
Name, Email Address, and Phone Number of Additional Positions and a brief description of their role.
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