SDGs 1 and 2 in European Literature
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What disease is described in the "Promessi Sposi? *
1 point
Who is the author of the Greeek book Alexandrians?
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Why does the boy die in a poem by M. Konopnicka?
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Where does V.Kaleb "On the rocks" take place?
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The riots in Milan are for *
1 point
In what ways did the blind man make a living?
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1. The Portuguese book "Sopa de Pedra is
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Who are the main characters in a short story "After bread" by H. Sienkiewicz?
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Who was the second master of Lazarus?
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What's the name of the main protagonist of Ivan Raos "Beggars and the sons"?
1 point
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Which tree is important for the Malavoglia?
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2. The famous soup mentioned in the story is cooked with ...
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Who wrote Ince Memed?
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Where did Nana live?
1 point
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4. According to the authors, the Portuguese people think that poverty is ...
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What did Emma sell to Sam?
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What did she have?
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Who does Nazim Hikmet describe in his poem?
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What kind of people does Orhan Kemal depict in his novel ?
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Which is the name of the Malavoglia boat? *
1 point
Was the mother entrusted to Lazarus?
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3. The Portuguese book 2 "Um olhar sobre a pobreza" is about ...
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