Enfield 4th of July Celebration Parade Registration
Event Timing: July 6th 2024, 11AM
Theme: Saluting our Veterans, Heroes at Home
Contact:  parade@enfieldcelebration.org
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Email *
Organization / Business Name *
Organization / Business Address *
Primary Contact Name  *
Primary Contact Cell Phone *
Est. Number of People Marching *
Will you have a Vehicle/Float *
Number And Type of Vehicle/Float
You may participate with a sponsorship of $500 or more,  or a $250 one time fee.
Pay Online here:  https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/efojtc 
Note "Parade"

Mail a Check:
Enfield Fourth of July Town Celebration
Attn: Maya Matthews
PO Box 3203
Enfield, CT 06083-3203
Memo: "Parade"

Payment must be received within 10 days of application submission.
Please include a description of your parade unit (100-150 words) to be announced at the reviewing stand.
Additional Information
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