KABANC 2024-2025 Mentorship Program
Please complete the 2024-2025 mentorship program application so that we can create mentorship groups/families and pairings for the upcoming year. 

Mentorship groups/families and pairings will be announced in September 2024. 

Please join us at the Mentorship Kick-Off Event: 

9/19 (Thurs), 6-9pm, District SF (216 Townsend St.)

We are excited to welcome 7 special guests: Judge Peter Kang, Judge Marisa Chun, Judge Glenn Kim, Judge Cynthia Lie, Judge Sharon Cho, Consul General Lim Jung-taek, and U.S. Attorney Izzy Ramsey.

Please contact Daniel Chung (flivver76@gmail.com) or Harrison Park (harrisonbpark@gmail.com) if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you!
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Email Address *
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What city do you live in? *
I am a... *
Law School / Employer *
Law School Graduation Year *
Primary Practice Areas That Interest You *
I want to be a... *
If you participated in KABANC's mentorship program last year, who were your mentors/mentees last year?
Are you a KABANC member? *
What is your LinkedIn URL? *
Please briefly describe yourself (your background, interests, goals, etc.) and what you are looking for in this mentorship program. 

Please note that this mentorship program is designed primarily for people who are interested in actively participating and connecting with others. We strongly recommend that everybody attend at least one meeting per semester. 
In addition to mentorship families, some mentors/mentees want 1-on-1 mentorship pairings. Would you like to participate in additional 1-on-1 mentorship pairings (on top of your mentorship family groups)? This is purely optional and supplemental. *
Will you attend the Mentorship Kick-Off Event on 9/19 (Thurs), 6-9pm, at District SF (216 Townsend St, San Francisco)? *
I agree to participate actively in the KABANC 2024-2025 mentorship program (attending at least one meeting every semester) and to treat everyone with respect and kindness. Harassment, abuse, or misconduct will not be tolerated in this program. *
Do you consent to our sharing all of the above information regarding you within the KABANC mentorship program? *
Optional comments/questions
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