Fox Valley Estates Neighborhood Directory Survey
If you are a new neighbor to Fox Valley Estates OR need to update your directory information, then you have come to the right spot!  Specify which option pertains to you in the survey below.

For new neighbors:
In order to be included in our neighborhood directory you must fill out the directory form.  The information you choose to provide is optional, you can fill out what you are comfortable with.

For everyone:
If you want to opt-out of the directory, there is an option for that below your street # and street name.  Please let us know that you are opting out so we know not to continue contacting you for directory information.  The directory will only be distributed to those neighbors that provide their household information.

Directory contents are intended for neighborhood use only and is not intend to be shared with anyone outside the neighborhood.

If you have any comments/questions/problems with the directory survey, please email
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Entrance to Fox Valley Estates
Please select one of the following: *
Street Number *
Street Name *
Please let us know if you DO NOT want to be included in the directory
This lets us know not to include you.  This means that your neighbors will not have any information on how to contact you.  You can reverse this by contacting the board or at the time of the next directory survey.  Leave this blank if you want to be included in the survey.  Remember that the directory will only be distributed to those neighbors that provide their household information (those who leave this blank).
Year Bought Home
Home Phone # (or if no home phone, the main contact phone #)
Is there a family email address? (individual email addresses for each adult are requested below)
Some families have an email address for the household as opposed to individual email addresses.  If you have that, please list it here.
Family Email: Do you want this email to be included in the Fox Valley Google Email Group (informal neighborhood communication)? *
Family Email: Do you want this email to be included in the Fox Valley HOA email (formal neighborhood communication from the HOA)? *
Adults in Household
For each adult in the household, please provide the following:
Adult #1 First Name *
Adult #1 Last Name *
Adult #1 Email *
Adult #1 Mobile Phone #
Adult #1: Do you want to be included in the Fox Valley Google Email Group (informal neighborhood communication)? *
Adult #1: Do you want to be included in the Fox Valley HOA emails (formal neighborhood information from the HOA)? *
Adult #2 First Name
Adult #2 Last Name
Adult #2 Email
Adult #2 Mobile Phone #
Adult #2: Do you want to be included in the Fox Valley Google Email Group (informal neighborhood communication)?
Clear selection
Adult #2: Do you want to be included in the Fox Valley HOA emails (formal neighborhood information from the HOA)?
Clear selection
Adult #3 First Name
First Last
Adult #3 Last Name
First Last
Adult #3 Email
Adult #3 Mobile Phone #
Adult #3: Do you want to be included in the Fox Valley Google Email Group (informal neighborhood communication)?
Clear selection
Adult #3: Do you want to be included in the Fox Valley HOA emails (formal neighborhood information from the HOA)?
Clear selection
Children in Household
Please note that only the birthday month and year will be included in the directory
Child #1 Name
Child #1 Birthday
Child #2 Name
Child #2 Birthday
Child #3 Name
Child #3 Birthday
Child #4 Name
Child #4 Birthday
Child #5 Name
Child #5 Birthday
Other Info
Pet Names & Types
For each pet, please list their name and description/breed/type of animal and other relevant info (such as "Max (white poodle, deaf)" or "Sparkles (black cat)" ).  This could potentially help us identify a lost neighborhood animal
Services Offered
For each member of the household that offers non-professional services such as house sitting, pet sitting, baby sitting, yard work, etc. please list the name and types of services they offer, and any additional information (just available for the summer, not available on school nights etc).  This section will not include any professional services.
Volunteer & Committee Participation
If your household members are willing to volunteer to further enhance our neighborhood, please check the box next to all areas of interest.
All Done?
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