Donation Request Form

The vision of Out There Outfitters is to be the leading independent, outdoor, specialty, brick-and-mortar retail shop in the country with a focus on serving customers, being relevant in their lives and building a place where people can come to discover the latest in outdoor lifestyle and everyday comfort clothing, accessories, equipment and footwear. If you feel like your organization aligns with this vision, please take the time to apply for a donation and tell us your WHO, WHAT, HOW, WHEN & WHERE. Due to the volume of requests that we receive, we are unable to respond to all of them. If we are able to support your request, you will get a response within 2 weeks.

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Contact Name
Phone (000-000-0000)

Please tell us about your organization and its mission and how that relates to our shop. 


What  is your event? I.e. Silent Auction

What are you asking us to contribute? (Gift card, Money donation, Products, Gift basket)

If we've previously made a contribution to your organization, when was it and what did we put together for you?

When is your event? And how soon do you need our donation?

Will you provide advertising for our shop on your website, email newsletters and/or social media? What assets will  you need us to provide?
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