Share your fandom! Win a $10 Store Gift card....
Hey, it's Author Alicia McCalla. If you love Black Women Superheroes, I’d love to hear about your fandom.  Fill out this Google form with all of the requested information by the date requested and if selected, you will win a $10 gift certificate for use in my store. Remember, If selected, you’ll need to provide a picture of yourself (preferably in your fandom) to be used with your interview answers (below) on my blog.
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Email *
Your First Name *
When did you become a fan or how long have you been a fan of Black women superheroes? *
Do you have a favorite Black Women Superhero, if so which one? *
What makes her heroic to you? Is it her bravery, strength, courage or something else? Please explain. *
Why do you think it’s important for Black women to be represented as superheroes? *
Is there a superhero series that you would love to see a Black woman lead or a favorite that already exists? If so, which one and where... *
In your opinion, which black woman superhero is totally ignored or undervalued and we should know or see more about her? Why? *
Anything else you’d like to share about your Black woman super hero fandom?
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