2022 Rego form for Basement/Blast/Kid's Church and Mini's Permission Forms 2022
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Family Name *
Address *
Best email contact for family (include everyone that wants to get emails about events and information) *
Parent names and phone numbers *
From time to time photos are taken during our activities to document the fun at our sessions. These are used by Trinity Church Aldgate. The photos might be used on photo boards, in church or on the church private Facebook or Instagram page. I agree to photos of our family being used for these purposes.
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Child 1 Name
Date of birth
Medical or Food allergy information
Is there anything else the leaders need to know? (eg Behavioural or learning needs)?
Which Trinity Church Aldgate group would your child like to be a part of? Tick all that apply.
Child 2 name
Date of Birth
Medical or food allergy information
Is there anything else the leaders need to know? (eg Behavioural or learning needs)?
Which Trinity Church Aldgate group would your child like to be a part of? Tick all that apply.
Child 3 name
Date of birth
Medical or food allergy information
Is there anything else the leaders need to know? (eg Behavioural or learning needs)?
Which Trinity Church Aldgate group would your child like to be a part of? Tick all that apply.
Child 4 name
Date of birth
Medical or food allergy information
Is there anything else the leaders need to know? (eg Behavioural or learning needs)?
Which Trinity Church Aldgate group would your child like to be a part of? Tick all that apply.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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This form was created inside of Friends of Trinity Trust. Report Abuse