RAPA website survey
We kindly ask you to complete and return to us the following anonymous survey. We hope that your answers will help us to improve our website so that it provides all the necessary information and is convenient to use. Thank you in advance for your involvement!
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RAPA devices
In your opinion, is the RAPA website clear and easy to navigate?
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If you answered ‘NO’ to the previous question, please tell us what is your biggest problem with using it?
In your opinion, does the RAPA website contain all the necessary information about the company and its offer?
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If you answered ‘NO’ to the previous question, please specify what type of information/material do you think is missing from our website?
Do you use the RAPA device configurator?
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If you use the RAPA device configurator, please let us know if it is easy to use and what could we improve about it?
Do you follow the publications in the ‘News’ section of our website?
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If you answered ‘YES’ to the previous question, please let us know what content you find most interesting
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