Application for Studio Discounts
Do you own a production pottery studio? 
Teach pottery classes or are a board member for a community studio or guild?
If so you can apply for studio discount pricing with Amaranth Stoneware!
Payments to be made by e-transfer before shipment. 
3% Surcharge for credit card processing.
Minimum initial order is $1,500
Reorders are $300
Eligible applicants will be sent discount schedule and ordering instructions once approved!

Orders to be emailed to or
 over the phone with a full-time staff member prior to pickup or shipment.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Ship to Address
Billing Address
Tax ID Number
What are your social handles and website?
Who is the best contact for your organization?
Number of years the studio has been in Business
How would you describe your studio type?
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How many potters work out of the studio?
What is the Focus of your Studio?
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What discounted items are you most interested in?
We want to make this easy-peasy for you! If you have questions or would like us to make considerations for your studio please let us know!
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