Pest Control Leeds - 0113 3904270
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Apex Pest Control Leeds service all areas in Leeds and the surrounding villages offering residential and commercial pest control services. Our sister company Apex Pest Control has operated for over 35 years and proud members of the NPTA and CHAS.

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Green Product Marketing to Save the World - Problems and Solutions

Let's face it: Most green products don't work all that well. They cost more and people who use them generally take a mightier opinion of themselves, just because they are using some green product.

Green products are what marketers call Lifestyle Products. They are meant to make somebody feel better about themselves simply because they are being environmentally responsible. At least, they think they are, but take a look at some green initiatives:

DDT - Millions have died due to malaria and crop failures since it was banned. Proved safe before it was banned, the possibility of it being a carcinogen (it is not) combined with the false belief that it was killing California Condors kept this bug-killer off the market.

Low-Flow Toilets - Intended to save water, these toilets often have to be flushed multiple times to work properly, saving nothing.

Two examples (and there are many more) of ineffective green initiatives. Add to this the multitude of green products that don't work as well as their non-green counterparts. It seems that just because something is labeled
atural or green a marketer can charge more for it.

None of this should suggest that people should not be careful with the environment. It is far more efficient and cleaner to recycle steel, for example, than to make all-new steel. Nobody wants lead in their air or PCBs in river water, but those have been proved in double-blind studies to be extremely dangerous to everybody's health. Controlling those emissions, nearly everyone can agree, is a good thing.

One kilogram of hydrogen contains the same combustive power as a gallon of gasoline (or near-enough), yet its only emission is water. Just one problem: There is currently no method of producing and delivering the massive amounts of hydrogen needed to replace fossil fuels.

And therein lies the problem for purveyors of green products wanting to save the world. It is true that there are
iches in the niches. One can charge more for green because it's a lifestyle product; but such will never sell to people aren't interested in the green lifestyle. It appears to many that the environmental movement has exaggerated on so many issues that many people simply won't pay more for less. So if the mission is to save the world, the green product has got to save money.

This could happen in several ways. First, the product could actually work better: Seom pest control companies have developed products that work as well or better than anything else on the market. Since the product is sold principally to distributors and large pest control firms at similar prices to similar products, it gives pest control businesses a competitive advantage: Sell green at the same price as competitors harsh chemicals, increasing volume by offering a preferred service at the same price; or charge a premium for the extra green service, skimming more money out of a smaller volume. That is green that pays.

Alternately, products that save energy in the long run, such as Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs), pay. Unfortunately CFLs have mercury in them and so are not as green advertised. The available low-mercury CFLs don't last as long and cost a lot more. Still, CFLs are on the right track: Their cost is more than offset by their long lives and reduced energy consumption.

Marketers of green products must decide: Is their mission to save the world, or to sell a lifestyle product? If the mission is to save the world (or simply to sell as much volume as possible), the marketer has to offer more than just a feel-good product. Here are a few quick rules for selling green:

Make switching easy. CFLs sell because they fit into a standard light socket. If they required a whole new socket, people would be less likely to buy them.

Make products that work. Nothing is more frustrating than purchasing a new product and finding it does not work as well as the previously preferred product. Switching back is much easier than the initial switch.

Have more than one selling proposition. Just selling green won't work; have some other proposition, such as increased efficiency, lower energy costs or another advantage over the competition.

Get the product certified. LEED certification for buildings and Energy Star for electronics give credibility to a product during the purchasing decision.

Have proof. Get testimonials from customers. Put up YouTube videos showing the product at work. Have the product tested against other products and show off some of the results (even if it isn't the best, it will probably be better than somebody).

It's fine to sell green products, and it is fine to want to sell them at a bigger mark-up to people who want to feel better about their environmental impact. If the object is to sell green products and save the world however, those products must be both environmentally green and put more green in the buyer's wallet.

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Let's face it: Most "green" products don't work all that well. They cost more and people who use them generally take a mightier opinion of themselves, just because they are using some green product.
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Pest Control Services Are Extremely Effective in Exterminating Pests

In recent times, the services offered by pest control companies are turning out to be more and more popular, owing to the speedy growth of pests, inside work places, houses and agricultural regions. Pests are known to cause serious harm to mankind as well as household pets and are known to create massive financial damages. The only way by which people can stop pests from causing nuisance is by means of effective pest control services. The British Pest Association is widely acknowledged for providing beneficial services towards mankind, in the field of pest termination. They use modernized innovations as well as techniques to wipe out the harmful pests.

Pests, actually, are capable of causing devastating impact on mankind as well as on domestic animals, if not checked in time. They are capable of reproducing, at an extremely fast rate and produce enormous destruction to both life and property. Some of the common varieties of pests are black as well as red ants, squirrels, rats, cockroaches, moles, silver fish, spiders and bed bugs. In order to get rid of these nuisances, you need to contact the pest control services, for their professional help, in the field of pest termination. In and around Leeds and Yorkshire, there are a number of companies, which are known to render dedicated and specialized 24 hour pest services, to the local residents.

The modern pest firms, uses latest technology and environmental friendly sprays as well as gels, which cause no harm to man and pets, but they tend to have fatal impacts on pests. These pest control solutions are sprayed inside the fissures and cracks, places where generally pests are known to reside and multiply. Since the formulas used include natural ingredients, they do not have any detrimental effect on mankind; therefore residents are not required to evacuate their homes, when pest treatment is carried out.

A lot of pest firms, which offer beneficial services, to the people of Leeds and Yorkshire, are extremely helpful, reasonably priced and provide 24 hour pest services. All that you require doing is to call them up and explain them the nature of your problem. As soon as they get your call, they will send a specialized team to wipe out the pests and destroy their habitats.

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Pest Control Services Are Extremely Effective in Exterminating Pests

In recent times, the services offered by pest control companies are turning out to be more and more popular, owing to the speedy growth of pests, inside work places, houses and agricultural regions. Pests are known to cause serious harm to mankind as well as household pets and are known to create massive financial damages. The only way by which people can stop pests from causing nuisance is by means of effective pest control services. The British Pest Association is widely acknowledged for providing beneficial services towards mankind, in the field of pest termination. They use modernized innovations as well as techniques to wipe out the harmful pests.

Pests, actually, are capable of causing devastating impact on mankind as well as on domestic animals, if not checked in time. They are capable of reproducing, at an extremely fast rate and produce enormous destruction to both life and property. Some of the common varieties of pests are black as well as red ants, squirrels, rats, cockroaches, moles, silver fish, spiders and bed bugs. In order to get rid of these nuisances, you need to contact the pest control services, for their professional help, in the field of pest termination. In and around Leeds and Yorkshire, there are a number of companies, which are known to render dedicated and specialized 24 hour pest services, to the local residents.

The modern pest firms, uses latest technology and environmental friendly sprays as well as gels, which cause no harm to man and pets, but they tend to have fatal impacts on pests. These pest control solutions are sprayed inside the fissures and cracks, places where generally pests are known to reside and multiply. Since the formulas used include natural ingredients, they do not have any detrimental effect on mankind; therefore residents are not required to evacuate their homes, when pest treatment is carried out.

A lot of pest firms, which offer beneficial services, to the people of Leeds and Yorkshire, are extremely helpful, reasonably priced and provide 24 hour pest services. All that you require doing is to call them up and explain them the nature of your problem. As soon as they get your call, they will send a specialized team to wipe out the pests and destroy their habitats.

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should be added to sulphur in order to discourage mosquitoes. In 13BC the first recorded rat-proof grain store was built by the Romans.
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Energy Audit - Before you begin any changes, schedule an energy audit through your power company or a LEED-certified specialist. This can identify hidden air leaks, thin or nonexistent insulation, and many other issues, giving you a clear idea of what you need to do to make your property energy-efficient.
Carpet Beetle Extermination
Do I Have an Infestation of Mice?

Mouse infestations in are common during the winter when they infest lofts, wall cavities, and out buildings. As the mouse moves around your home they will contaminate the area with urine and droppings. When mice are present in the kitchen there is a risk of food poisoning.

Mice are able to squeeze through the smallest of gaps if you can fit a pen or pencil into a hole, then a mouse will be able to squeeze through it. Two species of mice are common pests in the Leeds and Yorkshire areas they are house mouse and the wood mouse. House mice are as the name suggests is most often found indoors. The wood mouse generally lives in the countryside but is more than happy to share your home. Rodents including mice have a compulsive need to gnaw this is in order to keep their incisor teeth down to a constant length.

Mice live in nests which they often built inside your home. The mouse will make its nest wherever there is access to a good food source. Spaces under floors wall cavities and lofts are favoured places for mice to make their home the nests are made of cloth, wool, paper and plastics in fact any suitable material the mouse can find.

Mice are sporadic feeders, They will eat little and often nibbling at many sources of food rather than taking repeated meals from any one source. The mouses traditional food is cereal grain seeds etc. but they will will eat almost anything. Mice do not need to regularly drink water they will obtain moisture from their food.

The presence of mice in Leeds is usually detected when droppings are discovered. The droppings will appear almost wherever the mouse travels, mice are actually incontinent, the average mouse will produce around 60 droppings in a 24 hour period and will urinate frequently to mark its territory. Mice become sexually mature at around eight to ten weeks old and can produce up to eight litters per year each litter can number 15! Mice can cause damage to water pipes, cables and woodwork. Instances of electrical fires and floods have been attributed to mouse infestations.

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