6/7 Virtual Lunch
The DPI has extended our option to offer free meals to family in our area for the rest of the school year!

*******Meals will be delivered to your home in the MNSD boundaries, please fill in your delivery address to confirm. If pick up is needed please  note and we will send you the appropriate door to come to.

Delivery will be 1 day only this week on only Monday!*******

Weekly selection to follow (menu subject to change):

Menu TBD
4 Meals provided Monday-Thursday

Please make one line per family

Please make sure to note any other special accommodations in the comments.

Please email Chrissy.Koerner@muskegonorway.org with questions.
Thank you!

Please order by Friday to help us with preparations
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Электронная почта *
Pick up name (Last Name, First) One per house/Group *
Delivery Address *
Monday, how many STUDENTS/KIDS are you picking up for? 4 Days of Meals (Monday-Thursday) *
Копии ответов будут отправлены на указанный вами адрес.
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