2023 SRHS Community Schools Survey
Santa Rosa High School is an accredited Community School through the Public Education Department of New Mexico.  As a followup to our original application a quick survey is required to gather some data to continue to gauge the needs and desires of the students, families and the community stakeholders.  Your responses are confidential. Please take a couple of minutes to answer the following questions.  The survey will take you no more than 10 minutes.
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Are you receiving enough support from staff and teachers to help you and your family with your needs?
What support do you need right now from the school?
Do you recognize an increase in after-school/extra curricular activities for your children?
What after school activities does your child currently participate in?
Are there any after school activities that you would like to see incorporated within the school?
What kind of family support would you like to see offered at SRHS?
Would you and your family be willing to participate in a discussion group about ways SRHS can meet student and family needs? If so, please write down contact information. Short Answer
What do you think is the most pressing issue facing high school students right now?
How can the community help high school students face these challenges?
What types of out-of-school activities will help high school students transition to adulthood?
What type of programs are currently being offered to help high school students transition into adulthood?
Do you feel you receive ample communication from the school regarding your child's education?
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Do you feel like you receive communication inviting you to participate and volunteer in your child's education at school?
What is your preferred form of communication regarding your student and school activities?
Do you feel the school provides culturally responsive events and celebrations for families and students?
Does your student feel safe at school?
Does your student feel a sense of belonging at school?
Are you aware of mental health and medical resources offered at the school?
Is there any additional comments you would like to share:
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