Note: The Primary Contact email will be used in the Explore La Crosse email database for official communication, (i.e. Membership newsletters, event announcement's, etc,)
Secondary Contact Name:
Your answer
Secondary Contact Email:
Your answer
Please Consent
By signing below, the contact listed above agrees to an Explore La Crosse membership and agrees to pay annual dues (subject to annual increase) in accordance with the bylaws. This is a continuing membership until cancelled in writing by either party. This is full 12 month membership that begins on the date that payment is received. Your business Membership Dues $____
E-Signature (name):
Your answer
Briefly describe your business/organization below. This will appear on your landing page in the Explore La Crosse website.
Your answer
Note: Explore La Crosse has the right to refuse membership applications based on conflict of interest.
Please submit the completed form to begin your membership today! We accept Checks, VISA and MasterCard (call to pay by phone).
General Membership Dues
Private Individual $75.00
Festival/Event $110.00
Business/Non-Profit $250.00
Shopping Mall/Center/Corporate Partner $300.00
Lodging Membership Dues
La Crosse County Room Tax District:
Hotel or Motel (27 + rooms) $8.25 per room Small (under 27 rooms, B&B's) $250.00
Outside La Crosse County Room Tax District:
Hotel or Motel (48+ rooms) $4.50 per room Small (under 48 rooms, B&B's) $250.00 Cottage/Cabin/Campground $250.00
Explore La Crosse | 123 7th Street S. La Crosse, WI 54601