Tuition Support Application

One of the core missions of Jazz Night School is to provide everyone the opportunity to learn jazz, regardless of financial obstacles. To this end, we provide tuition assistance for ensembles or classes to those students who are in need.

If you would like to register for an ensemble or class but need tuition support, please fill out this form.

Once your tuition support has been approved, we will send you a tuition support discount code to use when registering online.

Tuition Support applications must be submitted once per year.

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Full Name *
Date of Birth
Email *
Mailing Address
US Citizen?
If Visa, please provide type and number
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What Jazz Night School offering(s) are you enrolled/enrolling in?
Jazz Night School gives careful consideration to the financial needs of applicants as well as academic achievement. Please explain why you are requesting to be considered for Tuition Support.
How much Tuition Support do you need to enroll in this session? 

NOTE: 2024 tuition ranges from $295 to $645 per offering and each enrollment incurs a $25 Registration Fee.

BE ADVISED: Tuition Support applications must be submitted once per year.
I certify that the information in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to miss no more than one class per session unless approved by my instructor. I agree to abide by the Jazz Night School Student Code of Conduct (found on our Policies page). If I do not meet these criteria, I understand that I will not be eligible for future Tuition Support. I have read this statement and agree. *
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