Sparkling Hearts Foundation is a student-led nonprofit focused on keeping patients happy! We are looking for people to become members of our advertising team!
Here are the requirements for your role in the SHF Advertising Team:
-Have an Instagram Account with at least 150 followers or more
-Follow @sparklingheartsfoundation
-Re-post the @sparklingheartsfoundation posts on your personal Instagram story and take part in other volunteer opportunities we have
-Share our posts with anyone else who you think might be interested
If you are not on our Board of Directors, you will be considered a regular member through our nonprofit and are eligible for obtaining volunteer hours.
Reapply every twice a year before the semester begins.
-Semester 1: Mid/late September - December 31
-Semester 2: January 1 - July 31
Semester 1(2023-24) Application Deadline: Thursday 9/8 at 11:59 PM PST