Intramural Funding Review
The Intramural funding offered by the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences is crucial for the success of our faculty, but relies on the willingness of internal reviewers in order to assess applications fairly and well. We would ask that you use this form to indicate your willingness to sign up to be a reviewer for internal proposals. This provides benefit to you in that you can learn what your colleagues are doing and get to see a variety of application approaches, and benefits the college as a whole in that we want to invest the intramural proposals most likely to lead to success. Thank you for your willingness to assist in this important process!
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Email *
What is your name? *
To which CCAS division do you belong? *
To which department do you belong? *
What is your position? *
Which proposals would you be willing to review? *
Please note to which of the following opportunities you intend to submit / have submitted an application in 2019 for FY2021: *
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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