If you want to be part of our team, you must share
an investment idea you have high conviction in, preferably if you’re
currently invested.
You don’t have to be an expert, just someone with passion and diligence.
General Guidelines:
- Market: Malaysia, USA, and China/HK (if others, e-mail us)
- Market capitalisation: Any
- Common stock/shares only. No warrants or derivatives
- No shorting
- No plagiarism or copying other investors
Writeup Guidelines:
- Google Doc format
- No 40 page reports. Less than 3 will do
- Stock can go up 100% over the next 1-2 years
Writeup format
- Basics and Disclosures
- Business
- What caught your eye
- Peer comparison
- Management and your experience with them(if applicable)
- Financials
- Catalysts
- Risks
- Valuation
- Price target range with justification
- Liquidity and coverage
- Conclusion
Writeup example: https://bit.ly/fpsamplewu
Q1 Where to send application
- Send to hello@firl.co
Q2 What happens after application
- We will notify you on email or through text(if we have it)
Q3 Can I keep applying
- Yes