CCED Volunteer Interest Form
Hello! We're excited that you're interested in getting more involved in Chinatown Community for Equitable Development (CCED). We are all-volunteer, progressive community-based organization. Volunteers sustain our organizing through sharing their time, labor, resources, knowledge, and skills.

If you are committed to engaging in grassroots organizing that aligns with our mission and values, we encourage you to fill out this form. We'll get in touch soon!
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Preferred Gender Pronouns
Phone Number
Language Skills
What experience do you have in organizing, community engagement, and/or anti-gentrification efforts?
What area of our organizing are you interested in plugging into? (Please mark one or more):
Do you have capacity to help with... (Please mark one or more):
What is your capacity to help out?
How did you hear about CCED?
Reach out to us on Facebook or email if you'd like to get in contact with us sooner!
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