IAF Online Facilitation Search Interest Group
Facilitation proposal form.

We favour folks that join a session before submitting a proposal. You can propose a session at the start/end of the monthly event.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvfumrqz8rHdYL8Psy5xH4QEQF_bJlKZYX
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Have you spoken with the organizers about this proposal yet? *
We favour folks that join a session before submitting a proposal. You can propose a session at the start/end of the monthly event.
What's the best email for the organizers to contact you? *
Your full name (or full names in case there is a co-facilitator) *
For which month is your proposal? *
Select an option in the future. The event is on the first Wednesday of every month, starts at 5.30pm Berlin time (UTC+1 or UTC+2 during daylight savings).
Theme *
What's the theme of your session?
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If you want to expand the theme with a few more words.
Who is this for? *
Is there a preferred target audience for this session?
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Outcomes *
What will participants get out of this session?
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What to bring? *
Do folks need to call from a computer? Can they join from their phone? Webcam?
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Tools you'll experience *
Is there any particular tool we'll use during the session? The answer can be as simple as "none beside Zoom" or a specific digital whiteboard you want to use
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