PHLT Petition To Preserve Camp Trexler
Trexler Scout Reservation has been a Boy Scout camp for nearly 100 years, since General Harry Trexler deeded the pristine 755-acre woodlands to the Boy Scouts in 1927. For financial reasons, Minsi Trails Council has decided to sell the camp, which in addition to the recreational opportunities for scouts, also protects hundreds of acres of natural area. This includes two springs that are the headwaters for Middle Creek and two small, scenic lakes, where many scouts learned to swim and fish. 

Camp Trexler is one of the few remaining properties in our area large enough to provide habitat for plants and animals that need a large, unbroken forest, such as bear, foxes, fishers, and a diverse array of birds. Unfragmented forests are also essential to preventing flooding and protecting headwaters and ground water recharge areas, so that the wells in our yards can continue to provide clean, safe drinking water. Under the care of Pocono Heritage Land Trust (PHLT), these 755 acres of forest would be permanently protected in their natural state. It is up to the Minsi Trails Council to agree to work with PHLT to protect this land.

The families of people living here today provided hundreds of acres of their own land to help expand and improve Camp Trexler. Their intent was to benefit the community and future generations. As friends and supporters of Camp Trexler, we would like to go on record in support of saving this land from development, and protecting the important natural resources provided by this area of pristine forest.

In the near future, PHLT will be submitting a bid to purchase Camp Trexler. Your support will be critical to permanently protecting this land which has meant so much to so many people.

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