"Got Her Back" Interest Form
We are so excited that you and your daughter reached out to be a part of the “Got Her Back” mentoring program through the Women’s National Football Conference.
The goal of “Got Her Back” mentors is to act as a support, role model, and a contact with women’s football. We want your daughter and girls like her to feel confident in their current playing environment while also seeing a future for themselves in the game.
We are looking forward to getting your daughter connected with a mentor to help support her in her journey with football. We cannot wait to connect with you and share your story.

Respond below and we will be in contact soon!
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Email *
Athlete Name: *
Parent/Guardian Name: *
Parent/Guardian Email address: *
Name of person filling out this form: *
If you are not the athlete or parent, please also list your connection with the athlete
Athlete Age: *
Grade: *
Are you interested in potentially connecting with a local WNFC team for support and a mentor? *
Are you interested in your story being shared on the WNFC and "Got Her Back" platforms, including blog, websites, and social media? *
Address (optional, to receive mail communications):
Phone number (optional):
Preferred methods of contact: *
Primary sport: *
Additional sports played:
Team name: *
Team home city: *
Number of years played:
What seasons of the year are your games in?
(Information to coordinate players of a local WNFC team attending a game if possible.)
Student t-shirt size: *
Parent/Guardian t-shirt size:
Clear selection
Comments or Questions:
(Further inquiries may also be e-mailed to: gotherbackcharity@gmail.com)
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