CMC Initial Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in Community Montessori Columbus! We're looking forward to learning more about your family and exploring enrollment possibilities!
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Family Contact Information
Please choose one parent/guardian of the child or children you are interested in enrolling at CMC to be your family's primary point of contact throughout the enrollment process. Our full enrollment process will include the opportunity to share multiple parent/guardians and their contact information.
Parent/Guardian's First Name *
Parent/Guardian's Last Name *
Parent/Guardian's Best Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian's Best Email Address *
Your Child
Please complete one Initial Interest Form for each child you are interested in enrolling.  
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Child's Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY) *
CMC offers school and child care options from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM most normal business days. We offer rolling enrollment throughout both our School Year and Summer Sessions as we have space and families and children are ready to join! If you are unfamiliar, please review our Daily Schedule & Calendar before answering the questions below. 
Please select all daily scheduling options that you'd like to explore:
Please share your desired enrollment window: *
Getting to Know You and Your Child
Our Montessori Children's Houses are a good alternative to preschool, kindergarten, and child care options for developmentally ready children between 2.5 and 6 years old. Our aim is to be welcoming and accessible to the broadest possible cross section of Central Ohio families. There are no wrong answers to the questions below; only answers that will indicate whether or not our program is a good fit now or in the future.

Please describe your child's previous caregivers and care environments. Please include all regular care experiences at home and in care settings such as at a child care center or preschool.
Do you believe your child is ready (or will be ready) to join a mixed-age, preschool and kindergarten level learning community?

In answering, please describe your child's: level of bathroom independence; ability to communicate basic needs and wants (such as around food); and ability to adapt to new routines and follow new boundaries.
Is your child currently following a vaccination schedule as recommended by the CDC? If no, in what ways and for what reasons does your child’s vaccination schedule differ? *
Does your child have any medical conditions or exceptionalities? If yes, please describe them as well as any supports, therapies, or accommodations in place.
Is your child's primary residence(s) within a 20-minute drive to CMC? 
Two more questions about your family:
How did you first learn about CMC?
Why have you chosen to explore enrollment for your child (please check all that apply)?
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