Happen to Life Cowork 
Focus Group Survey 
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Please select today's date.  *
How did you hear about this focus group? Please be specific.  *

Which of the following age groups do you belong to? 


Which of the following ranges best represents your annual household income?

What is the highest level of education you have completed?

What is your current family status?

Which of the following best describes your lifestyle?

Do you currently partake in a coworking space? 


If yes, why did you choose your facility? 

Have you heard of an integrated coworking, childcare, food, and fitness facility like Happen to Life Cowork before?

Please specify the name of the facility. 

How interested are you in partaking in the business concept of Happen to Life Cowork, which integrates coworking, childcare, food, and fitness services? 

Please explain your above response.  *

Which specific services are you most interested in accessing at Happen to Life Cowork? (Select all that apply)


How much would you be willing to pay for a monthly membership to access the services you're interested in? 


If you needed childcare, how often would you need the service? 

If you are a parent or caregiver, how much do you pay for childcare? *
How much more would you pay for the Happen to Life Cowork services of interest based on your selection above?  For example, if you currently pay $500-$1,000 per month for childcare, how much more would you pay for the Happen to Life services of interest? *
Please explain your above response.  *

The services will either be priced individually or all inclusive. Which would you prefer? 

Please explain your above selection.  *
What hours would you prefer Happen to Life Cowork to be open for general access? (Note: Private office members will have 24/7 access to the space.
Please explain your above response. 

How far from your home would you be willing to travel to access Happen to Life Cowork's services? 


What’s your zip code? 


What factors would influence your decision to choose a specific location for Happen to Life Cowork? 

Please explain your above selection.  *
Do you currently feel a need for integrated coworking, childcare, food, and fitness services like those offered by Happen to Life Cowork?  *

Please explain your above response. 


Are there any specific neighborhoods or areas where you would like to see Happen to Life Cowork open a facility?

If Happen to Life Cowork offered meal plan packages, would you be interested in purchasing at an additional cost? 
Please explain your above response.  *

What are the main challenges you face in balancing work, family, and personal wellness?

How do you currently address these challenges, if at all?
In two sentences or less, express your feelings about the prospect of Happen to Life Cowork coming to a town near you. If you wish, you can include your name for potential publication on our website.
Please provide any additional feedback. 
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