Which of the following age groups do you belong to?
*Which of the following ranges best represents your annual household income?
*What is your current family status?
*Do you currently partake in a coworking space?
*If yes, why did you choose your facility?
Have you heard of an integrated coworking, childcare, food, and fitness facility like Happen to Life Cowork before?
*How interested are you in partaking in the business concept of Happen to Life Cowork, which integrates coworking, childcare, food, and fitness services?
*Which specific services are you most interested in accessing at Happen to Life Cowork? (Select all that apply)
*How much would you be
willing to pay for a monthly membership to access the services you're interested in?
If you needed childcare, how often would you need the service?
*The services will either be priced individually or all inclusive. Which would you prefer?
*How far from your home would you be willing to travel to access Happen to Life Cowork's services?
*What’s your zip code?
*What factors would influence your decision to choose a specific location for Happen to Life Cowork?
*Please explain your above response.
*Are there any specific neighborhoods or areas where you would like to see Happen to Life Cowork open a facility?
*What are the main challenges you face in balancing work, family, and personal wellness?