Fall 2019 - TRIO Leading and Learning Week Registration

WHAT:  Leading and Learning Week is a five-day academic and professional development opportunity coordinated by TRIO Student Support Services with presentations and workshops facilitated by NEIU faculty, staff, students, and supporters. It is an opportunity for students, staff, faculty and community members to share knowledge that enhances student success in higher education and in life.

The full schedule can be found here: http://bit.ly/LeadingLearningWeekFullSchedule

HOW MUCH: All workshops are FREE to attend!

WHO: All NEIU students, staff and faculty. Feel free to invite non-TRIO students to register and attend. TRIO students are encouraged to attend as many workshops and events as possible during this week. Note: TRIO SSS students must attend at least ONE workshop every semester and ONE financial literacy workshop every year.

WHEN:  Presentations will run Monday, October 28th through Friday, November 1st, 2019 daily from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

WHERE: All presentations will be on the 4th floor of the Library, Room LIB 412.

To register please:

1) Answer the following questions
2) Select the workshops you plan on attending

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I am a: *
First Name *
Last Name *
Student ID# (if applicable)
Preferred Email *
Do you require special accommodations?   *
If so, please describe any special accommodations you require.
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