AIGA CT 2021 Make-A-Thon Call for Creatives Application
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Make-A-Thon! Keep in mind this event is a 12-hour commitment on Saturday, May 15th.

Completing this application DOES NOT guarantee your participation. Volunteers will be chosen based on the projects and skillsets needed. Selected volunteers will be notified via email.

The DEADLINE for applications is April 9th, 2021
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Email *
Full Name *
Tell us briefly why you want to participate in Make-A-Thon *
Please provide a link to your portfolio or examples of your work online. If you do not have anything online, you can email samples to: *
Please provide a link to your LinkedIn profile. If you do not have a LinkedIn profile, you can email your resume to: *
In what capacity do you want to contribute to the project? *
How many years of experience do you have? *
If you answered 7 (or more) years, are you interested in being the team lead on a project? Team leads will work with nonprofits on finalizing the details of a creative brief prior to the Make-A-Thon date. *
Are you a student? *
What size T-shirt do you wear? *
If you are a person with a disability, please let us know so that we can make accommodations. *
I understand that if I am accepted and agree to participate, it is my responsibility to attend the entire event 12-hour event on Saturday, May 15th as well as complete my work on the day of the event. *
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