Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut-250 110, U.P. 

Office of the Dean (Continuing Education & Internal Quality Assurance)

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Dear Student: Thank you for taking the time to fill out this confidential questionnaire thoughtfully. The information will be used to assess the student's satisfaction level at the end of course so that improvement, if needed can be done. (Students with attendance less than 75% attendance need not fill the form: Please rate the following on a scale of 5 [where, 5-Excellent; 4-very good; 3-good; 2-average; 1 -poor]
Email *
Name of the Student
Id No.  *
Batch Year *
Degree programme
College *

1. Availability of lecture plan as per syllabus in the beginning of the semester and coverage of syllabus accordingly?

2.  Punctuality and regularity in taking Classes ? *
3.  Knowledge of the subject/Ability of teacher to teach / explain confidently and answer queries ? *
4.  Organization of the lecture ? *
5.  Audibility of teacher's voice during classes ? *
6.  Utilization of blackboard/other ICT teaching aids ? *
7.  Summarizing of key points by the teacher at the end of a class ? *
8.  Provides study materials which are not readily available in the textbooks ? *
9.  Uniform coverage (unit wise) of syllabus and Completing syllabus in time ? *
10.  Skill of linking subject to life experience and creating interest in subject ? *
11. Students were encouraged to ask question, to make lectures interactive and lively ?
12.  Tolerance to different opinions, arguments expressed in class ? *
13.  Availability of teacher beyond the class hours for solving the problems of the students ? *
14.  Ability to adjust to the pace of class to the students' level of understanding ? *
15.  Timely evaluation and showing of answer sheets of mid semester exams ? *
16. Fairness of  semester exams evaluation ?
17.  Satisfaction level for the evaluation of end semester exam ? *
18.  Efforts for motivating the students during the classes ? *
19. Equipment available in the laboratory were sufficient for experiments ? *
20.  Entire lab session was useful in clarifying the knowledge of the theory ? *
21.  Course improved your understanding in its field and motivated to think and learn ? *
22.  Information about the competitive examinations like NET/GATE and other Examinations is provided by the institute ? *
23.  Do Library caters your need as per curriculum ? *
24.  Does not discriminate on the basis of caste, creed, or gender ? *
25.  Approach towards developing professional skills among students ? *
26.  Hostels are well cleaned and managed ? *
27.  How well the ambience of University is ? *
28. Educational tours were conducted as per academic programme ? *


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