Background Information Form
Please fill out the following to the best of your ability. All information requested below is required by the state of Ohio.
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Cell Phone (000) 000 - 0000 *
Decedents First Name *
Decedents Middle Name
Decedents Last Name *
Decedents Sex *
Decedents Social Security Number (000-00-0000) *
Decedents Date of Passing *
Decedents Time of passing
Decedents Date of Birth *
Decedents Age
Decedents State of Birth/ Territory *
Decedents City of Birth *
Decedents Residence  (Address, City, State) *
Decedent ever in Armed Forces? *
Decedents Marital Status *
Decedents Spouse's First Name *
Decedents Spouses Last Name (If Wife, give name prior to First Marriage) *
Decedents Level of Education *
Decedent of Hispanic Origin? *
Decedents Race *
Decedents Usual Occupation (do not use retired) *
Decedents Kind of Business or Industry *
Decedents Fathers First Name *
Decedents Fathers Last Name *
Decedents Mothers First Name *
Decedents Mothers Last Name (Prior to First Marriage) *
Informant First Name (Person to be listed as Next of Kin) *
Informant Last Name *
Informant Relationship to Decedent *
Informant Address (Address, City, State, Zip) *
Decedent Location of Death *
Cemetery?  (if applicable)
Obituary: (Please indicate how Decedents Name should appear)
Obituary: Spouse (Please indicate how Spouses Name should appear) (if applicable)
Obituary: List Children & Spouses
Obituary: List Brothers & Sisters
Obituary: Parents
Obituary: Grandchildren/ Others
Obituary: Personal Background (Optional)
Obituary: Memorial Contributions (Optional)
Obituary in Newspaper?
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