Eat Fit Community Event Request Form
To request Eat Fit to attend your event, please complete this form at least 60 days prior to the event date. An Eat Fit team member will be in touch within the week after the form is submitted.
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Organization Name *
Name of Event Contact/Person Submitting Request *
Email *
Phone Number *
Name of Event *
Date of Event *
Eat Fit Region *
Event Location + Time of Event (Please include start + end time, as well as arrival time) *
Event Details (Please tell us about your event and how you would benefit from our support) *
Estimated Number of Attendees *
How would you like Eat Fit to participate? *
Will you be adding our logo to your promotional materials and promoting this event on your social media? *
Please provide us with event website and Facebook page if applicable. *
Please provide your social media handles: *
Please describe your event promotion plan and how Eat Fit will be incorporated. *
Send me a copy of my responses? *
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