Volunteer with Children and Youth
Please fill out this volunteer intake form so we can get you involved in the programs you’d most like to support. The greatest volunteer responsibility is as an RE Teacher where we lead age-based groups of kids and the time commitment is two Sundays a month. Other volunteer roles vary by season and availability of the volunteer.

If you have any questions, please email or call (425) 747-3780 ext. 104. Be sure to meet our wonderful staff and get in touch with them to start your UU journey at East Shore.
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I'd like to be contacted about volunteering with the following roles in RE's Sunday School classes (Sept-June)
I'd like to be contacted about volunteering with the following special events and programs
East Shore's screening for adults who may have any contact with children in our care involves participating in the congregation for 6 months, references, and a background check.  We also require in person training related to your specific role and have a community code of conduct laying out our safety and mentorship expectations.
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