L&G Building Use and Special Activities Request Form
This form must be returned two weeks in advance for all events. Any questions please contact Bridget Corby at 802-221-2142.
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Email *
Name of Event *
Date(s) of event: *
Event Prep Time: *
When do you require access to the building for event preparation on the day of the event? The typical preparation time is 30 minutes before the event starts.
Start time of event: *
End time of event: *
Event Breakdown Time: *
Until what time do you need access to the building on the day of the event for event breakdown? The typical breakdown time is 30 minutes after the event ends.
Name of person in charge of the activity: *
Facility(s) Requested: *
Do you need assistance from the maintenance department?  If so, please explain. *
Number of extra chairs required: *
Number of extra tables required: *
Number of people attending: *
Special equipment/technology?  Please describe: *
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