Citizen Survey for Northumberland Borough and Point Township 
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Northumberland Borough and Point Township are developing a joint 10-year community plan. Norry-Point 2035 is title of the plan--at least for now. The plan focuses on local community and economic conditions that Borough and Township officials can change or influence—along with assistance from regional partners.

Your local leaders want to hear what you like about living and working in the Borough and Township and what changes or improved conditions you would like to see happen over the next decade.

Take a moment to think about your community and the local economy…about downtown Northumberland, the Route 11 and Route 405 corridors, your neighborhood, local streets and sidewalks, and public spaces, like parks and the riverfront.

   Are these places safe? easy to access?
   Are housing and the overall cost of living affordable for residents?
   Do local stores and services meet daily needs?
   Are there a reasonable number of jobs and range of job types locally or nearby?

Other perspectives on what makes a great community are welcome.

Now…please answer our 5 questions, then share your preferences for future notifications.

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Question 1: What do you like most about living and/or working in Northumberland Borough and Point Township? Check all that apply, then explain what you like in Question 2.

Question 2: Explain why you like the items you checked in Question 1. *

Question 3: What conditions should be different or improved in Northumberland Borough and Point Township over the next 10 years? Describe what change(s) or changed condition(s) you would like to see by 2035. 


Question 4: What’s missing and should be added to enhance community quality of life or economic well-being in Northumberland Borough and Point Township by 2035 ? Describe.

Question 5: If you could make just one change in Northumberland Borough and Point Township by 2035, what would it be? *
Would you like to be notified about future opportunities to talk about the Norry-Point 2035 plan?
If so, enter your email address below. This information will only be used by the Borough and Township to notify you of future opportunities to participate.

Are you interested in helping to make your community a better place? It's too early to say what community improvements the plan will lay out or what volunteer knowledge, skills, or abilities the Borough and Township will request. However, we all know that much can be accomplished—faster and at lower cost—through the help of volunteers.

If you are willing to be contacted about future volunteer opportunities, enter your name, email address, and topic of interest below.

This information will only be used by the Borough and Township to notify you of future opportunities to volunteer.
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