Georgia PreK ProgramRegistration > 2024-2025
Please complete the following registration information for the LEAP Georgia Pre-K Program hosted at our Waterford Court location in Rincon, GA. This is the first step in securing a space for the 2024-2025 LEAP Georgia Pre-K Program.  
  • PreK spaces with LEAP Afterschool are LIMITED and based on availability. 
  • LEAP uses Kangarootime as our childcare management system for account management as well as invoicing.
Please read below for information on your next steps.

Your information will be entered into our childcare management system, Kangarootime. You will receive an email with prompts to finish setting up your Kangarootime account.  Please complete all information thoroughly including emergency contact information and allergies.  All daily check-out requests will be done through Kangarootime.  You must complete your Kangarootime account setup to be registered. 

If you have any questions please email us at

We look forward to serving your family! 

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Email *
Parent / Guardian First Name *
Parent / Guardian Last Name *
Relationship to Child *
Primary Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
City *
Zip Code  *
Are you a RETURNING LEAP family? Do you have a child who has been in a LEAP program previously  *
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